Photo Talk

20080211_ellis_0321Camera Arts Creative and The Alliance for Contemporary Photographic Learning invite you to an evening of conversation, concepts and images.  Please come join us on Nov. 6th starting at 6:30pm.

On the agenda for the evening: Keeping creative motivations thriving via personal projects: planning for them, researching them, how they can feed your commercial work / marketing, or just developing photo projects as a way to keep your personal artistic growth moving forward.

Come share your thoughts, experiences, and questions on this topic.  Feel free to bring some prints from completed projects or works in progress. Whether you are immersed in a large project or struggling through a creative block come and share / listen.

Our intention is to establish a supportive creative environment where photographers can gather and exchange ideas, insights and inspiration.

Step away from the computer, come out and spend some time with other visual artists.  Arrive at 6:30pm, discussion starts at 7pm. Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.  All photographers welcome.

See the Facebook event page for details.